Saturday, March 7, 2009

Defining Web 2.0

- Note: yes I completely realise how boring my title is, do you have a better suggestion? However to get on with it.

O'Reilly defines Web 2.0, more or less, as what exists after (and occasionally during) Web 1.0. Helpful isn't it?
Well in truth that is a simplification of what is actually said. O'Reilly tells us that the concept of Web 2.0, bought about during a brainstorming conference, is to define web content which revolves around the user/s of said web content. Prior to Web 2.0, a system of management controlling web content and deciding what was wanted, needed or looked for was used.
The change from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 is suppose to have during the "dot-com bubble burst of 2001"(O'Reilly, 2005), when the web, and its users, moved away from companies that published web content to a more community based content supply.
During this up-rising web users created, or promoted the idea, of a more user focused web - allowing for communities to start up revolving around user content be it information, blogs, shared files or even the way content is categorised. It also created the idea of the more users are accessing web content, adding to the content or otherwise, the better that web content becomes.
Through this the atmosphere of the web has changed making it more personal and friendly place.

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