Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Examples of Information/Instructional Design.

While this is a “new” media unit for these examples I have chosen to use older print examples, first aid posters being one that can cover both information and instructional design. Providing the information need to save someone’s life and giving instructions of how to do that. The information given can be as simple as a red cross, known world wide as a symbol for medical help, or it could be detailed information about the symptoms of an illness or affliction, these details would be in a language that related to where the poster was situated to give the best possible usage of it. As if it was in a language that was not relevant to the area it would of course fail in that respect as a informational design, the symbol however being a widely acknowledged sign should in most places be able to be correctly identified. As I mentioned above the layout plays an important role in some informational and instructional design, in particular in this case and instructional poster shows the users in which order to do the steps instructed when treating an illness or injury. The layout normally involves both the use of words and visual representations to give the user the greatest chance of being able to use the design, it is also often done in the form of a flow chart to show how and where one step leads onto the other. Through these design aspects the function of the information or instructional posters works to there fullest potential.

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